Winnats Pass at Night

Peak District

This is my best shot from here! It has taken years to get this shot exactly how I envisaged it, with a single vehicle’s tail lights heading up the pass, no vehicles coming down the pass creating a huge light spot and the tail of the milky way rising straight up from the top.

I’ve been here many a time, with varying results, such as:
– Perfect foreground but wrong time of year for the milky way
– Perfect foreground and cloud covering part of the sky
– The first ever photo where I got the idea from.

The one thing that I might want to improve on, is the fact that it was a full moon. The sky was a washout with barely any stars visible. But through the magic of taking a lot of photos of the same thing and stacking them, I could release the milky way!

Taking this photo was fun! At the top of the pass, the van showed at temperatures of -3°C and as I descended, it got up to a staggering 1°C! Practically tropical!

The photo is made up of lots of photos! The stars are 60 photos stacked together to get all of the detail, there are 10 black photos to help reduce the noise and hot pixels and a singular foreground photo.

Camera settings:
Stars –
60x 13s = 780s

Foreground –